Top 5 causes of joint disease

We often have a love-hate relationship with our joints. When they’re healthy, we enjoy all the things they let us do. Running and playing basketball on the weekends would be more difficult if you didn’t have solid knees, shoulders, and hips.
However, when we begin to feel joint discomfort, our relationship with our joints fails. Just when we thought our joints could do no wrong, they unexpectedly became a cause of pain and agony.
If you’re already having joint pain in any of your joints, you’re probably wondering why you’re feeling it in the first place. You may think it came out of nowhere, sneaking up on you without warning. Or, perhaps you’ve been experiencing slight discomfort and morning stiffness for a while now. And until recently, it’s been rather simple to overlook.
Whatever the situation may be, you’ve reached a point when you want answers. The good news is that reading this article will give you a better idea of what could be causing your pain.
What is Joint Pain?
The term “joint pain” refers to the discomfort felt in any joint. Joint pain is known as arthralgia by medical professionals. However, don’t confuse the term with “arthritis,” which indicates inflammation of a joint and is accompanied by pain. A joint might be inflamed without being in pain. Sometimes, it can be inflamed and in pain at the same time.
Many people suffer from joint pain, primarily in the hands, feet, hips, and knees. The discomfort may be permanent or intermittent. Moreover, people who suffer from joint pain may find it difficult to carry out even the most basic chores. Severe joint pain may have a negative impact on one’s quality of life.
Who is more prone to suffer from joint pain?
Experiencing some degree of joint pain is normal as you get older. However, this may not be the case if you begin making healthy lifestyle choices early.
Pain manifesting as people age is a common occurrence. Over half of individuals over the age of 65 experience some degree of joint pain. Additionally, joint pain is more prevalent in persons who:
Have experienced prior joint injuries
Repetitive and/or excessive use of a muscle
Have arthritis or other chronic health problem
Experience depression, anxiety, and/or stress
Are overweight
Suffer from severe health conditions